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Psihoterapie de cuplu Sibiu In psihoterapia individuala, vom aborda dificultatile psihologice in sistem unu-la-unu,iar terapia va avea loc intre psihoterapeut si o singura persoana. Procesul terapeutic este unul co-creat, bazandu-se pe colaborarea dintre psihoterapeut si persoana aflata in terapie. Baza acestui proces o reprezinta construirea unei relatii terapeutice solide, de incredere intre cele doua parti. Doar in acest fel vom putea facilita explorarea libera a gandurilor si emotiilor, formularea de comun acord a unor obiective si colaborarea activa pentru indeplinirea lor. https://psihologinsibiu.ro/ - More Information |
mental health clinic London EASE Wellbeing is a Community Interest Company created by experienced mental health practitioners, with the aim of making counselling both accessible and affordable. Our approach is informed by over 60 years of experience working in the NHS, charitable and private sectors. Our board of advisors bring a wealth of expertise from different disciplines to help EASE provide the best possible service to our clients. Our clinicians are all trained in delivering our evidence-based intervention and have your individual needs at the heart of their approach. We offer a counselling service that 99% of our clients would recommend to a friend. https://www.easewellbeing.co.uk/ - More Information |